Nobody plans to get hit by a bus but these things do happen! Should you be left unable to work do you have a plan in place to keep paying your bills and mortgage?

According to a recent article in FT Adviser, "Homeowners in Britain are woefully under-prepared in the event of long-term sickness, accident or ill health."*
Royal London's recently commissioned State of the Protection Nation research highlights that only 19% of people with a mortgage have income protection in place, which leaves 81% unprotected!** Is this you?
While you’re probably aware of the benefits of protection, the expertise of an adviser can help steer you in the right direction to ensure you’re protected when you need it most. If you take a look at LV=’s Risk Reality Calculator, it will show you the likelihood of needing to claim on income protection, critical illness cover and life cover based on their research.
But it’s not only mortgage holders that need protection in place, renters need income protection just as much as homeowners. After all, the chances of an accident or illness making you unable to work don’t go away just because you rent!
Contact us today here to see how we can help you find the right income protection policy for your needs, our panel of providers can offer something for everyone, so there’s no excuse!
*: FT Adviser, 8 out of 10 mortgage holders have no income protection, May 2018
**: Royal London, State of the Protection Nation, May 2018